I may have to try some of these! I have chronic insomnia and I'm unfortunately out of touch with my dreams because of it. Are there any places you'd recommend buying from?

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Sorry to hear about your chronic insomnia. Not being able to sleep when you want to is so disruptive to the system. Out of the three I listed, I think California Poppy and Skullcap would be your best allies. Everyone’s relationships with herbs is different, but Skullcap in particular knocks me out like a light, especially when I make my Midnight Dreams blend that I mentioned. Milky Oats is a good supportive herb to add to either CP or Skullcap. It’s like food for the nervous system so it’s like rolling out the red carpet for other herbs to do their thing!

I love and highly recommend Smile Herb Shop (https://www.smileherb.com/). They’re a small business that’s been in my area since 1974 and I’ve had many friends who’ve worked there over the years. I also co-run an herbal mutual aid group and we occasionally get our bulk herbs from Starwest Botanicals.

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Thanks for the info! Yeah it's not fun-I go through phases. Your post reminded me of how when I am more well rested and remember my dreams I feel more empowered in my waking life. I'll prob order some tn!

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You’re welcome, and that totally makes sense. If you try the herbs, I’d love to hear how they work for you, if you’d like to share! I’m always down to chat herbs lol

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